After you fill the registration form we’ll send you the payment details by e-mail.
    If you don’t receive any email from us, please check your SPAM folder or contact us any other way.

    With landcode (+)

    Date of birth:

    I speak English:

    I speak Spanish:


    What package you want to book:


    If you choose Double, please, write here the name of your roommate:

    I want to find a roommate:
    We can’t guarantee but we’ll try to find you a roommate among those who choose Double

    Your dance experience:

    Rate your experience in Bachata Dominicana (0 to 5):

    T-shirt size:
    Do you want to get a special Dominican Dance Tour shirt of your own size?

    Food comments:
    We serve a variety of meals. Usually we have several options. If you are vegetarian, have a special diet, allergy, or something you strictly don’t eat please, let us know

    Do you have any injuries, medical or mental health conditions that we should be aware of to be able to help you if needed?

    When you book we will reserve a spot for you. We ask a deposit of 450,- USD. The remaining amoount will be paid upon 1 month before arrival in USD, EUR or ANG.

    How you want to pay:

    Emergency contacts:
    We hope we will never use it, but just in case if something happens let us know who of your relatives may be worried about you and their phone/email details.

    Any other comments or questions:

    How you find out about us?

    Terms of use

    Discount code: