General Terms and Conditions

General terms and conditions of Dominican Dance and Travel Tours for customers of the destination Dominican Republic.

  1. Subject of the contract
    These general contractual terms and conditions (herein- after GTC) govern the relations between Dominican Dance and Travel Tours and a corporate customer (hereinafter the Tour Operator). They shall also be applied if no reference is made to these GTC in individual contracts and/or bookings. The individual agreements between Dominican Dance and Travel Tours TOURS and the Tour Operator have priority over these GTC.
  2. Individual agreements between the parties
    The services of Dominican Dance and Travel Tours, prices and additional agreements are concluded in the individual agreement.

    The services of Dominican Dance and Travel Tours are determined by an individual agreement and GCTC. Information, etc., which do not come from Dominican Dance and Travel Tours, such as details provided by the service providers, tourism organizations, assessment portals, etc., do not oblige Dominican Dance and Travel Tours.

  3. Caribbean factor
    The Caribbean is a touristic-developing area, but it cannot be compared with Europe in terms of standard. The “Caribbean flair”, which is appreciated by the tourists, can lead to inconsistencies, as tourists have misconceptions regarding the quality and availability of tourism services.

    Dominican Dance and Travel Tours therefore expressly points out that the standard of hotels, restaurants, means of transport, public facilities, etc. does not meet European standards. The hotels, despite their own data of their categories (stars) and /or the belongings to international hotel chains, cannot always be compared with Luxury standards. Dominican Dance and Travel Tours always tries to reserve rooms with air-conditioning, but this cannot be guaranteed.

    “Caribbean Punctuality” does not correspond to European punctuality. The Tour Operator shall take into account these circumstances during his travel planning, his ten- ders, travel information, etc.

    The road conditions in the destination countries do not always correspond to the European standards. The roads are partially in less good condition (bumpy, with sloops, here and there not asphalted). Therefore, it is often necessary to drive slowly. Even animals and carriages are not uncommon on the road. For these reasons, it can lead to longer traveling times in certain circumstances.

  4. Tour Operator purchases in its own name
    The Tour Operator purchases services in its own name and its own account. It is responsible for marketing towards travelers. In particular, it is charged with the information requirements in accordance with the Federal Law on all-inclusive tours. There are no contractual relations between Dominican Dance and Travel Tours and the Tour Operator’s customer.
  5. Price increases
    Dominican Dance and Travel Tours reserves the right to increase agreed prices up to 3 weeks before the commencement of ser- vices in the following cases: Increase in transport and accommodation costs. Exchange rate changes If the total price of the booked services increases by more than 5 %, the Tour Operator can withdraw from the contract free of charge.

    Payments already maid will be refunded under exclusion of further claims. Notification of withdrawal must come in to Dominican Dance and Travel Tours in writing or via e-mail within 5 working days

  6. Program changes before commencement of services
    Dominican Dance and Travel Tours strives to carry out the agreed services according to the program. However, it cannot be excluded that due to objective circumstances (e.  due to government measures, slot changes, environmental and natural events, force majeure or other unforeseeable or unavoidable circumstances) or because of service pro- viders changes in program and service will be necessary. Dominican Dance and Travel Tours shall notify the Tour Operator of such changes promptly and will strive to mitigate their effects. Dominican Dance and Travel Tours shall also notify the Tour Operator of any changes in the price as a result of changes in the program and services.

  7. Program changes during a travel
    The Tour Operator shall take note that in the Caribbean, in spite of a good travel organization, program and service changes cannot be excluded during a trip. This is especially due to weather and natural events, govern- mental measures, force majeure, supply bottlenecks, or other unforeseeable or unavoidable circumstances, etc. Dominican Dance and Travel Tours strives to minimize the consequenc- es of such changes.
  8. Payment terms
    The prices are based on an individual agreement. Terms of payment for the Dominican Republic: All payments shall be made in USD, EUR or ANG. Although the invoice is issued in USD, the payment of the USD invoice shall be made in EUR equivalent before the due date. The following conditions shall apply: The total amount shall be credited to the ‘Dominican Dance and Travel Tours’ account no later than 30 days before the tour start. Dominican Dance and Travel Tours requires a $450 deposit when booking the tour. The remaining amount can be paid 30 days before the start of the tour. If the payment is not received before the 30 days before the start of the trip, your trip will be cancelled by Dominican Dance and Travel Tours. The deposit will not received back.
  9. Baggage transport
    The means of transport used can transport baggage up to certain limits. The Tour Operator’s customers shall have the right on there own risk to the free transportation of the following baggage items per traveler:

    1 big suitcase or 1 big bag (max. 23 kg)
    1 hand baggage (max. 10 kg)
    Dominican Dance and Travel Tours or service providers is free to transport the addi- tional baggage, but it shall call the Tour Operator’s atten- tion to the fact that the comfort of the transportation can be restricted and Dominican Dance and Travel Tours or service providers is not liable for the consequences arising from this, or perhaps a larger vehicle must be used which costs shall be billed to the Tour Operator..

  10.  Removal or defects
    Dominican Dance and Travel Tours shall be notified immediately of any defects, so that Dominican Dance and Travel Tours can provide appropri- ate remedies. Dominican Dance and Travel Tours is not obliged to reme- dy the defect caused by the traveler. The traveler travel with his baggage on own risk.

  11. Complaint management
    For complaints the traveler can send an email to The complaint must reach Dominican Dance and Travel Tours within 30 days after the contractual end of the Dominican Dance and Travel Tours service. Delayed complaints cannot be accepted and any possible claims are forfeited. Refunds are granted in the form of a credit note. This credit can be deducted from the next payment.

  12. Insurance
    The traveler is responsible for taking out sickness travel insurance. Dominican Dance and Travel Tours is not responsible for any injury, illness, hospital costs, ambulance costs, trauma helicopter costs or any other costs incurred due to illness or injury.

  13. Burglary damage and theft
    The traveler is responsible for taking out burglary damage and theft insurance. Dominican Dance and Travel Tours is not responsible for any Burglary damage and theft costs.

  14. Emergencies
    Emergency numbers inside as well outside office hours (normal office hours: Monday to Friday: 8.30 to 17.00), at week- ends and on holidays: Dominican Republic: + 1 829 367 7421. These number is available for use only in emergencies. In the event of natural disasters and other emergencies, Dominican Dance and Travel Tours shall set up an emergency commitee and inform Dominican Dance and Travel Tours about the state of affairs by whatsapp.

  15. Cancellations
    After booking the costumer need to pay the deposit in 7 days. The booking cancellationfee will be:
    450 USD deposit + an extra charge of
    1 month before departure 80%
    2 months before departure 70%
    3 months before departure 60%
    4 months before departure 50%
    5 months before departure 40%
    months before departure 30%